Your logos aren't enough

How we're building 1:1 ABM

I’ll spare the spiel here. We all know the why behind running a 1:1 ABM strategy. But the how is where I do have a spiel.

Simply creating generic messaging for an ad or landing page and pasting a company’s logo on it is not enough. That’s not personalization.

And many times this happens when we’re trying to launch these programs at scale. Taking a quantity vs. quality approach, which essentially defeats the purpose of why we’re doing ABM in the first place.

To get the most out of the efforts and budget involved with this type of strategy, it needs to be well thought out and detailed.

As we’re gearing up for own 1:1 launch at Movable Ink, below is a high level overview of the process we’re taking to ensure we get the results we want.

Product Expansion

We’re not focused on a random, large account because sales got excited. This is more strategic based on a new product we’ve taken to market recently.

Our goal is to grow new pipeline and accelerate bookings within this new product as its one of our company’s GTM objectives for the year and a key for continued growth.

Working with the product’s tiger team including sales leaders, we identified a group of candidates for a 1:1 strategy, landing at one in particular.

Cross-functional Collaboration

I can run point on the landing page and ads myself, create that generic messaging with a logo on it. But that’s not what we’re doing.

This has required tight alignment with the AE on the account and the solutions consultant running the demos, pilot program and more.

This group is helping identify the key problems the prospect is having and how this new product can solve for them. It’s this information that’s helping us craft the messaging for our assets.

Even more exciting, our solutions consultant is a wizard, and is creating account-specific assets for the landing page and additional meetings.

Bringing in the Champion

Now this is the most important step and one I started implementing a couple of years ago. Aligning with the champion at the prospect account on our messaging before we launch.

We’ve already drafted the first version of the copy we want to use. The next step is coordinating a meeting with the champion to present this draft and gather feedback.

This process ensures we’re speaking their language and using their words to describe the problems their facing and why Movable Ink.

Once we complete this portion of the process and make any final edits is when we’ll finally launch the campaign.

To wrap this up, running a 1:1 strategy isn’t meant to be scaled. It is truly a quality over quantity approach in order to achieve the desired results. While it may take a little longer, the juice will be worth the squeeze when it’s over.

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Additional Resources

Account-Based Marketing Calendar

Click here to download my new Account-Based Marketing Calendar for creating repeatable and scalable strategies.

Account-Based Marketing Metrics

Click here to download my new guide to measure ABM.

Need help with your ABM program?

Looking for advice on how to improve your ABM program? I’m here to help.

Below are the ways that I can work you and your team.

  • ABM Program Audit

  • ABM Calendar Planning

  • ABM Account List Building

Click here to learn more and book your discovery call.