- Account-Based Marketing Tactics
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- Work with Tyler
Work with Tyler
ABM isn’t as complex as many make it out to be.
You don’t need to spend six-figures on an ABM platform or stack a bunch of third-party signals.
You just need to understand your company’s GTM goals and how to use them to guide you on which accounts to select and prioritize.
Together, we’ll identify the goals your company has set and which one makes the most sense to focus on.
From there, we’ll build an Account-Based GTM calendar to structure the strategy and the accounts we’re going to prioritize similar to what you see in the image below.
Screenshot from The Ultimate Guide to Building an Account-Based GTM Strategy
Structuring your strategy in this format helps drive top-down buy-in and cross-functional alignment because you’re focusing on accounts that specifically support achieving your company’s GTM goals.
For additional details on how this strategy can be structured, download The Ultimate Guide to Building an Account-Based GTM Strategy.
If you’re ready to chat, schedule your initial 30-minute call using the link below.