Time to launch 🚀

Running my first ABM strategy

We’re just over one month into the new job at Movable Ink.

And we’re one month away from launching our first ABM strategy.

Tighten your seatbelts. Let’s’ dive in.

Getting deep into the data

Key stakeholders: myself, CMO, VP of Growth Marketing, SDR and Sales leaders.

Objective: Identify low-hanging fruit or a set of accounts that get us a quick win in Q3 for our ABM strategy.

First-party data. Salesforce reports. Slide decks full of data.

I immersed myself in them for the first month.

One area became very clear in the data. Winback opportunities.

Internally, we have data to suggest that when these former customers become qualified opportunities again, they have nearly a 2x win rate, 3x ARR, and 12 percentage points higher retention rate.

Easy decision. Let’s get former clients back in the saddle again.

Aligning with sales

Key Stakeholders: myself, VP of Growth Marketing, SDR and sales leaders.

Objective: Align all teams on our winback strategy and a set of accounts.

2x win rate, 3x ARR, and 12 percentage points higher retention rate. This was the focal point in discussions with our outbound and sales leaders.

We also walked through the process for launching our strategy; project plan, due dates, roles and responsibilities, tactics and KPIs.

These meetings consisted of recurring 1:1s with outbound leaders every week, team meetings with our SDRs and a high level strategy walkthrough with our regional sales leaders.

Creating the messaging

Key stakeholders: myself, VP of Growth Marketing, product marketing leaders, content leader, and SDR leader.

Objective: Agree on a central theme that would resonate with former customers in the form of ads, landing pages and sales sequences.

I’m no copywriter. As you can read.

In order to craft the right theme and messaging I had to meet with our product marketing and content leaders to ideate. I also included our SDR leader to ensure their alignment on the messaging which would be weaved into their sales sequences.

PMM pointed us in the right direction, with a focus on new product enhancements being announced in the coming weeks. Our content team is then using that information to craft the copy for our ads and landing page.

This messaging will also help influence any sales sequences.

Operating cadence for success

Key stakeholders: myself, VP of Growth Marketing, SDR and sales leaders.

Objective: Hold all teams accountable and provide transparency.

To keep the train on the tracks, I have to create a regular meeting cadence with key stakeholders. This ensures accountability and transparency.

  • Weekly meetings with outbound leaders

  • Bi-weekly meetings with the SDRs

  • Monthly readouts with the sales leaders

  • Quarterly retrospectives and readouts

Tracking KPIs to ensure success

Key stakeholders: myself, VP of Growth Marketing, SDR and sales leaders.

Objective: measure success and identify areas for improvement.

Like with any strategy, we have to track specific KPIs.

At the highest level, these are:

  • Accounts targeted

  • Accounts reached

  • Accounts engaged

  • Meetings booked

  • Qualified opportunities

  • Pipeline created

Working with RevOps, we’ll be setting up Salesforce reports and a dashboard to track each of these KPIs. Shared out with our key staholders.

In a future edition, I’ll spend time breaking down my formula for setting the actual goals for each of these.

Stay tuned to see how everything plays out in the coming months!

LinkedIn Post of the Week!

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Additional Resources

Account-Based Marketing Calendar

Click here to download my new Account-Based Marketing Calendar for creating repeatable and scalable strategies.

Signal-Based ABM Webinar with UserGems

Click here to see a replay of my recent webinar with UserGems on Signal-Based ABM.